We believe that if there is no way to pay off the debt, you can repay it by buying daily necessities: food, hygiene items, household goods, everyday objects.
That is why we will provide every debtor who works with the company with a cash-back card on which he will receive interest from his regular purchases in the stores of our retail partners. The earned points will be converted into the currency of a particular state at the parity of 1:1.
For example: 1 point = 1 KSH
At the end of each month, the points earned by the debtor are summed up, converted into currency and written off from the existing debt at the parity 1:1.
For example, the debt is 10 000 KSH.
The debtor received a 250-points cash-back during the month.
A total of 250 KSH will be written off his debt.
Thus, the person will buy daily necessities and pay off his debt. We, in turn, will regularly increase our network of retail and service outlets.
We seek not only to make profits for our clients but also be a socially responsible company. We want to make the world a little kinder and better.
Our educational center regularly holds financial literacy classes for schoolchildren from poor families and students, we tell them about financial literacy, credit basics and ways to properly manage the family budgets. We also tell young people how to behave if they have debts and a representative of a collection agency comes knocking on their door. It is much easier and more appropriate to prevent the problem than to solve it!
Debt collection – socially-sensitive business. In every region of operation, we strive to engage in dialog with authorities and consolidate industry professionals around one main idea – the development of a quality industry law “On debt collection”. IN our opinion, it is necessary to make processes and control over debt collection as clear and efficient as possible. We shall give all parties to the conflict, both the creditor and the debtor, reasonable rights and obligations.
Thus, only the professionals shall remain in the market and criminal elements should go.